Upcoming Beloved Bible Studies 2025:


February 1st, 8th, 15th

March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd

Saturday @ 1030 am

Save these Dates for Beloved Events 2024:

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SURROUNDED Conference Oct 17-18, 2020

ICC Women's Ministry

Giggles and tears, flowers and décor, sweet stuff and hormones. These are just a few things that men won’t ever understand, not to the degree that we ladies do. That is why we’ve grouped hugged and formed this Women’s Ministry. We call ourselves BELOVED.

We are a dynamic group of ladies - mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters - who welcome each other into a safe embrace of lifelong bonds. From pre-nups and weddings to dirty nappies and sleepless nights, to empty nesting, birthdays and funerals, we share trials and celebrate successes.

We have many activities planned throughout the year. We start with a six-part Bible Study, followed by a monthly meet-up every 3rd Saturday. These may include brunches, hikes, crafts, outreaches. Special events like retreats and women’s conferences also find their way into the itinerary.

We worship, pray, and study; we cook and eat! We stand by each other with compassion and love, fighting from the point of victory. Whether we are in the season of fierce faith or wavering hope, we gather. Here is where we find our best friends, and more.

BELOVED. Because we need to be constantly reminded that we are.

Lifted from Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine…”

BELOVED Committee

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