ICC's LIFE Group Ministry

We believe any healthy Christian life includes four aspects: Love, Instruction, Fellowship, and Evangelism (LIFE).

LIFE Groups are a crucial part of our DNA. That's because our goal is to help you connect to Christ, community, and culture through dynamic relationships (Mark 12:30-31). And when it comes to "sharing life together," there's nothing quite like a group of committed, intentional followers of Jesus to reach the world with His revolutionary love — starting with the folks right here in your neighborhood (Matt 28:18-28).

Each person's relationship with God and one another looks different. LIFE Groups are specifically designed to allow God to pour His grace into each of these aspects of your life. If you want more of Christ's life-giving power in your life, or if you just want to find out what it's like to be in a small group, there is a LIFE Group calling your name.

​Become part of ICC family by joining one of our life groups:


Leaders: Pastor Daniel and Connie

Covington North

Leaders: Bryan and Kristine

Covingotn South

Leaders: Pastor Josh and Cassandra


Leaders: Tom and Gretchen Sill


Leaders: Susanna and Tony/Bekka

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