Discipleship Training Program

This Discipleship Training Program is specially designated for spiritual growth of ICC. This has been created to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, found in Matthew 28:18-20. All members should be a disciple and they should also go forth and disciple others.

The lessons will encourage spiritual growth within a Christian of any age or level. It is systematically put together to cause the student to grow steadily in the Christian Faith. This material is not limited to Christians; it can also be used in sharing the good news.

The main purpose of the Discipleship Training Program is to raise up disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. The goal of the DTP is to cause those disciples to go and disciple others. Our prayer is that while studying these lessons, the Holy Spirit will use the Word of God to cause the student to grow into a new Spiritual maturity.

Should anyone desire to use the program materials, please contact International Christian Center, Renton for permission. It should be noted that the lessons are not designed for self-study. These lessons should always be used in the context of a discipler and a disciple. (ex. Teacher and student)

May God richly bless you as you embark on the exciting journey of discipleship training!

In His Harvest field,

Pastor Daniel Ong